“LET’S SAY NO TO CYBER VIOLENCE” conference is coming!

On the 7th of February 2019 in Łódź, Poland will be held a conference summarising the 2-year long international partnership project “CyberViolence”.
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The conference is directed to youngsters, their parents and teachers. It will bring the topic of cyber violence closer to the audience, especially we will try to answer to the questions: How to recognise online actions which are already violent? Am I and my child in danger of becoming victims? How to prevent it or defend ourselves once it has already happened?
Programme of the conference includes:
*presenting outcomes from the project by all the partners – CRYSTAL CLEAR SOFT from Greece, ASOCIATIA DIRECT from Romania, CSP from Italy, and INSTYTU NOWYCH TECHNOLOGII from Poland
*how police can help – will explain a guest from the Department to Fight Cyber Crime
*how to create effective passwords and what to remember to stay safe in the Internet – will explain a guest from IT company
*where online can we find information and inspiration how to prevent cyber violence in our daily lifes.